Unveiling the Power of Functional Medicine

Addressing health conditions can be overwhelming, especially when they are chronic and affect multiple systems of the body. Our cultural mindset predisposes us to seek rapid diagnoses and solutions. We strive to soothe symptoms promptly in order to keep working, keep moving, keep DO-ing.

Conventional medicine often focuses on identifying a specific diagnosis and prescribing a corresponding treatment protocol. Many integrative and alternative methods provide a buffet of historically effective healing protocols. What if the diagnosis is elusive or the prescribed protocol proves ineffective? What are we missing?

One of the challenges lies in the fact that many doctors specialize in specific areas of the body, treating them as separate entities. But can we truly separate and effectively treat different parts of our personal ecosystem? We do need that specialty knowledge and care but we also need a multipronged system-based approach.

Everything is connected.

Everything in our body, mind, soul, and spirit is intricately connected. These systems are not only linked internally but also intertwined with nature, our genetics, and our environment, expanding into our world and universe. The complexity of these connections is awe-inspiring!

Everything is connected.
We are all unique

As Andrea Nakayama, Founder of Functional Nutrition Alliance, puts it, We are all biologically and genetically unique and we’re all impacted by myriad and diverse life experiences and exposures.”  The factors contributing to the development of various health conditions are unique to each individual. Consequently, the confluence of factors leading one person to exhibit particular signs, symptoms or diagnoses may be vastly different from another person exhibiting similar issues. Because the underlying causes are different, it makes sense that the therapeutic response to various protocols, therapies, or remedies would differ also. This explains why a supplement or protocol may work wonders for one person but not for another. There are different root causes. It becomes clear that tailored approaches are necessary to address each person's specific signs, symptoms, or diagnoses.

Everything is connected.
We are all unique
All things matter.

When it comes to healing complex conditions, a broader perspective is needed starting with “backing it up”. How did a person’s health reach its current state? A therapeutic partnership between patient and practitioner is needed and all aspects of their life explored. What are the roots to their signs, symptoms, and diagnoses? Healing is more of a curious exploration of upstream factors. What is really going on in THEIR unique body? This is where a Functional Medicine approach shines.

Functional Medicine provides a framework and tools to systematically uncover and organize signs, symptoms and diagnoses. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I start with a health timeline and a functional matrix. A timeline helps illuminate potential triggers or influences on health over time. A functional matrix organizes gathered information to aid in the discovery of imbalances or underlying causes of health conditions. It is a living document that provides a conceptual map of a person’s health journey, including genetics, environmental exposures, nutrition/hydration, lifestyle habits, relationships/mind-body-spirit dynamics and so much more. All pieces of the puzzle need to be taken into consideration.

That brings me to a fundamental and crucial perspective in guiding the Functional Medicine approach. It begins with recognizing the humble and undeniable fact that our understanding of the intricate workings of our bodies (and all the interconnections within and beyond) is limited. The medical system does not have all the answers. As Hippocrates wisely points out, "Natural forces within us are the true healer of disease." Hence, it is essential that we honor and revere the innate intelligence of the body. How can we nurture and enhance the environment in which these natural forces operate?

The human body has an amazing capacity to adapt, transform and heal. Let that be our guiding principle to health every step of the way as we use the framework and tools of Functional Medicine.