My Approach to a Client with Lyme Disease


When it comes to addressing Lyme Disease as opposed to other chronic illnesses, there is an extra layer of complexity. Since testing for Lyme Disease (borreliosis) and other coinfections is still wrought with complexity and inaccuracy, it is necessary to dive in to the healing process based on the Full Body System assessments with added detailed symptomology. A clear diagnosis is only part of the puzzle and sometimes cannot be accurately obtained in a timely, inexpensive way. It’s necessary to manage the constellation of symptoms before they are even given a name in order to limit disease progression. Using a bio-individual approach and implementing nutrition and lifestyle changes sets the stage to tackle the inflammation and infections due to Lyme Disease. From there we may cycle in and out of detoxing (clearing the body of unwanted microbes) and treating the infections (using herb-based antimicrobials and other natural support supplements). The sweet spot is where healing can occur.

Getting to understand your own body is key to working through this process effectively.


We start by gathering the following information:

  • General history based the Client Intake Form and our first intake session. I will map out this information to look at it from both a body systems point of view (Functional Matrix) and a chronological standpoint (Timeline).

  • Detailed symptomology checklist

  • All available testing, scans, and lab work

  • Probable exposure to ticks or a known tick bite.

  • Assess if presentation is consistent with persistent Borreliosis (and other coinfections), including positive signs and symptoms.

    • Symptoms develop over months to years

    • Symptoms travel from place to place within the body

    • Symptoms relapse and remit

Once we assess that Lyme Disease is present, here are the steps we follow

  1. Assessment (Overall / Infections)

  2. Toxicity Assessment

  3. Gut Assessment

  4. Current Healing Capacity

  5. Neuro-Endocrine System Assessment

  6. Prioritize & Strategize

  7. Set Goals & Expectations (short, medium and long term if applicable)

  8. Design An Implementation Plan Based on the Goals

For healing to occur, there needs to be a shift in the environment within your body that will enhance resilience and no longer serve as a breeding ground for the various infections. Everything matters. What you eat, how you move, how you think. It all matters.

It is like preparing for a holistic journey.

As we navigate through the process, how do we recognize the results of genuine healing? It starts by recognizing the wins, whether big or small, such as:

  • A decreased need for medication and supplements;

  • Feeling more stable in terms of mood, energy level, body temperature, blood pressure­, hormonal swings, etc.;

  • An increase in happiness and sense of well-being (even if you are still experiencing pain);

  • An increased resistance to microbial infection;

  • More energy in general; less fatigue;

  • A decrease in intensity and/or frequency of pain and other symptoms;

  • Less inflammation overall;

  • Better able to get quality sleep;

  • Better mental clarity and cognitive function;

  • Stronger and calmer digestive system;

  • Healing of any tissue damage; muscles and joints feel better.